Mission & Vision

Our Mission & Vision

CVA Rwanda vision is A society where citizens are fully engaged in achieving human sustainable development.

The Mission is to Empower citizens to become active members of inclusive society in Rwanda and beyond. .

Core values

CVA believes in the following values:

CVA Rwanda values and is committed to:

1. Team work: Unity of purpose in the organization

2. Transparency and accountability: We set aggressive, but achievable goals. We are open and transparent about how we conduct our activities, and are accurate in reporting our outcomes.

3. Partnership: We engage and collaborate with every constituency impacted by CVA, because we know that we can achieve our mission only by working together. Our partnerships are diverse and innovative, breaking new ground and forging powerful collaborations to achieve key mission objectives

4. Listening to criticism: this is one of the difficult values but very constructive one. CVA will be always open to exploring what is being said, while reserving the right to disagree. We shall always strive to address the needs of our constituencies and show the genuine desire to understand and support.

5. Diversity and solidarity: CVA embraces diversity, appreciates the richness in our differences, and believes in the importance of equality and inclusion of young people and other marginalized groups in democratic governance processes. CVA believes in the power of solidarity, sharing successes and challenges, and working together.

6. Professionalism

Contact Us

KK 368 St, Moriah House,

Kicukiro District, Kigali - Rwanda

Email: info@cvarwanda.org.rw

Mobile +250-783224110


Citizen Voice and Actions (CVA) is a young led Organization which is operating in Rwanda with an aim to empower citizens to become active members of inclusive society in Rwanda and beyond. Guided by a vision of a society where citizens are fully engaged in achieving human sustainable development.